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Norfolk, VA Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

The fallout from a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be life-altering and extremely expensive. However, if the injury was caused by another person’s negligence, you have options available. To help cover the costs of these losses, you should consider working with an attorney who can bring a claim for your damages.

A Norfolk traumatic brain injury lawyer can represent your interests and make sure you get the justice you deserve. John Cooper and the team at Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers on a daily basis help people in your situation get the compensation they need and deserve. Let our dedicated catastrophic injury lawyers help you.

The Impact of a Traumatic Brain Injury

Injuries that can alter brain function are known as traumatic brain injuries. Trauma to the brain could be the result of many different circumstances, such as:

When you suffer a serious brain injury, your life can be completely changed. You may be unable to cook, drive, or care for yourself. You could also experience difficulty with coordination, speech, and memory. In some cases, you will need specialized care for the rest of your life and may not be able to work again. That is why it is crucial to bring a claim that can get you the compensation you need to offset these costs. A lawyer in Norfolk could help someone who has suffered a traumatic brain injury pursue proper compensation after an accident.

Liability for a TBI

The first fact your Norfolk injury lawyer must establish to the judge or the jury is who is liable for your traumatic brain injury. Whether it is a motorist or an employer, the legal concept of negligence is generally used to establish responsibility.

A party is negligent when they owed a duty of care to the plaintiff and breached that duty of care. For example, a driver has the duty to drive safely and obey traffic laws. If they fail to do this and cause an accident that results in a TBI, they can be held liable for your head injuries and forced to compensate you. Normally, it is actually the insurance company for the at-fault person or business that pays.

Proving Damages in a Norfolk Brain Injury Case

Next, a Norfolk attorney will need to show that you have damages caused by your traumatic brain injury for which the defendant should pay. This part of an injury case usually means showing a direct connection between the negligent actions of the defendant and the injury suffered by the plaintiff.

The accident attorney will show the jury the specific damages you suffered as a result of the crash. These will include economic damages for your medical bills, past and future lost wages, and other financial losses. They will also include noneconomic damages that compensate you for losses such as mental anguish and pain and suffering. Our skilled TBI attorneys in the area can fully examine your case to determine what compensation you are entitled to.

Seek Help from a Skilled Norfolk Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney

If you or someone you love sustained a TBI because of the actions of another party, seek the help of a skilled Norfolk traumatic brain injury lawyer. An attorney could build a case that would maximize your compensation. Call Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers today for a free consultation to get your case started.

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