Portsmouth, VA Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Motorcyclists and their passengers should be able to enjoy riding through Portsmouth, Virginia and make it to their destination safely. However, an impaired or distracted driver could cause an accident and change your life in an instant. So many car drivers are on their cell phones improperly. When negligent drivers cause life-changing injuries, they should be held accountable.

If you were injured in a bike crash due to another person’s negligence, a Portsmouth, VA motorcycle accident lawyer could help build your claim for compensation. You should not be forced to absorb the cost of your injuries. A dedicated Portsmouth injury lawyer from Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers could fight to get the money you should get to pay you back for medical bills and all of the harms from an injury as a motorcyclist.

Damages You May Be Able to Collect

A motorcyclist who sustains an injury in an accident due to another person’s negligence may be able to recover damages. The amount and categories of compensation vary based on the facts of the case. However, typically the following categories of damages can apply to a bike crash claim:

Bikers and their passengers can sustain serious injuries in a motorcycle crash. Even if they are wearing a helmet and other protective gear, a motorcycle does not have a protective frame like a car that can prevent serious injuries. This means that the damages in a motorcycle crash are usually substantial.

Illustrating this point, recently, attorneys Griffin O’Hanlon and John Baker secured a $7 million dollar settlement for a motorcycle accident victim who suffered a traumatic amputation of their foot. An experienced attorney can pursue the compensation you need to help you recover after a crash. We identify all insurance policies and get the most for you that we can.

How Long Do I Have to Bring a Claim?

The statute of limitations sets the final deadline for filing a motorcycle lawsuit. Typically, the statute of limitations starts the day of the motorcycle wreck. In Virginia, you have just under two years from the date of the motorcycle accident to file a lawsuit. If you are seriously hurt in a wreck never wait to call experienced counsel.

It is essential to determine the date on which the statute of limitations runs out because late filing could mean that you may not be able to recover damages at all. However, a motorcycle crash attorney in Portsmouth, VA could help you determine the date your claim must be filed by and make sure you do not lose your right to recover compensation.

Negligence in a Portsmouth, VA Motorcycle Crash

Drivers who are careless, distracted, or inattentive can make errors and cause severe crashes on major roads like Martin Luther King Freeway and London Blvd. All drivers must exercise reasonable care by following all the rules of the road when driving. If they fail to use reasonable care and that failure results in a bodily injury, they should be held liable for their negligence.

An accident report can be an important source of information to prove who is liable. An officer may be able to determine that a driver violated a traffic law or attempted an unsafe maneuver which is what caused the collision. Understanding the cause of an accident is crucial to pinpointing the parties who may be held accountable for damages.

Bill OMara

Ask The Car Crash Experts - How do I prove liability in a Motorcycle Accident?

Bill O'Mara, Personal Injury Lawyer

“To establish liability in such cases, you’ll want to preserve all evidence and conduct a thorough investigation. After ensuring your safety following an accident, the first step is to call the police. If physically able, take photographs and make note of any physical evidence at the scene. If there are any eyewitnesses present, in the spot you want to be sure to get their contact information because they could be an important witness that proving your case down the road.”

How a Portsmouth, VA Motorcycle Accident Attorney Could Help You

You might be faced with many tough decisions after a bike accident. Your life may change drastically, especially if you or your loved one is unable to work. You do not have to carry this burden alone.

Let a seasoned attorney from Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers guide you through the legal and insurance process, allowing you more time to concentrate on getting better.

Contact a Portsmouth, Virginia motorcycle accident lawyer for your peace of mind. Call today to set up a free consultation. We will come to you at Bon Secours Maryview Medical Center or Portsmouth Naval Hospital.

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