Injuries in Hampton Motorcycle Accidents

It is rare for the driver of a car to be launched from the vehicle in a crash. However, motorcycle wrecks often involve the rider being thrown from their bike onto the pavement. Far too often, victims of motorcycle accidents suffer the most serious injuries. We see broken bones, multiple multi-inch lacerations, organ damage, and traumatic brain injuries. These are severe cases requiring years of treatment and extensive surgeries.

Those who suffered injuries in Hampton motorcycle accidents should reach out to legal counsel to discuss their options. At Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers, our experienced attorneys know how to talk to the doctors to learn the causes and long-term consequences of your injuries. Notably, attorneys Griffin O’Hanlon and John Baker secured a $7 million dollar settlement for a motorcycle accident victim who suffered a traumatic amputation of their foot. With this kind of expertise and dedication, we work diligently to build a strong claim for compensation and secure the resources you need to move forward with your life.

Broken Bones in Motorbiking Crashes

Human bodies are not made to be thrown through the air and land on asphalt or hard pavement. When a rider is thrown from a bike and lands on the road, the force often causes broken bones. Impact with the road often causes severe cuts and rashes. These injuries can also result from being struck by a moving vehicle, as motorcyclists are unprotected from the impact.

Broken bones often heal with time. However, the injured person may develop arthritis down the road or suffer other complications. The bones may be more susceptible to breaking again. In the most severe cases, a broken bone that does not heal properly could result in loss of mobility or function.

Consequences of Motorcycling Spinal Injuries

Some of the most impactful injuries resulting from a motorcycle crash are those that affect the spinal cord. Spinal injuries can paralyze a rider or leave them with permanent back and neck pain. Whether a motorcyclist suffered damage to the vertebrae in their spine or the disks in their back, these injuries require significant medical attention.

Motorcycle Collisions and Traumatic Brain Injuries

traumatic brain injury (TBI) can result when a rider is thrown from their bike and sustains a serious blow or trauma to the head. Even the best motorcycle helmet cannot completely prevent TBIs.

Brain damage can be more challenging to detect than other types of injuries like broken bones. Symptoms may include stuttering, forgetfulness, difficulty speaking, or difficulty managing daily affairs. The effects of TBIs can be long-lasting and impact a person’s ability to live their life as before. They may need assistance doing routine tasks. As such, it is important for those who suffer head trauma in motorcycle crashes to secure compensation for their injuries with help from a Hampton attorney.

Call a Hampton Attorney for Motorcycling Injury Claims

A motorbiking accident can affect every aspect of your life. If you sustain a traumatic brain injury, you might not be able to return to work, particularly if the injury causes memory loss or communication issues. If a motorcycle injury makes walking difficult, you may be left unable to meet the physical demands of your job.

A motorcycling injury can require various accommodations, and a severely injured person may even need in-home care and assistance to manage daily tasks. The costs of a severe collision are significant, making it essential to work with an attorney who handles claims for injuries in Hampton motorcycle accidents. At Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers, we are experienced in helping victims get the compensation they deserve. Contact us today to discuss your case.

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