Bicycles are a popular method of travel and recreation in Virginia Beach. Not only are they a way to escape congested traffic on roadways, but they also can help you get some exercise. Unfortunately, bicycle accidents are increasing as a result of increased numbers of bikes on the road, and injuries from those incidents can be catastrophic.

If you are injured while riding a bicycle, contact a Virginia Beach bicycle accident lawyer as soon as possible. Our dedicated VA Beach injury lawyers can help you begin working toward recovering compensation for your case. You may be entitled to serious compensation, and Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers can help you get it.

Regulations for Bicycle Riders

Even before getting into an accident, bicycle riders should know and understand the laws surrounding the usage of bikes. Many of these are spelled out in Virginia Code §46.2 Article 12. For example, it is important to note that Virginia requires bicycle riders to ride as close to the right-side curb as possible.

Also of note is that the Code of Virginia allows localities, like cities, to make their own regulations regarding the wearing of a helmet when riding a bicycle. Accordingly, Virginia Beach City Code §7-50 states that bike riders under the age of 14 must wear a helmet. However, even riders over the age of 14 should wear a helmet as it can greatly decrease the likelihood of a serious brain injury if a bicyclist is hit by a car.

Compiling Evidence for a Virginia Beach Claim

One of the main jobs of a Virginia Beach bicycle accident attorney is to collect evidence to support your claim. Evidence can come in many forms, but there are two areas that are vitally important to be able to have a successful claim.

Evidence of Fault

Of course, a huge part of a case is being able to prove the fault of the other party. Evidence of fault can include statements from eyewitnesses, traffic or police camera footage, video footage from nearby businesses, and expert testimony from accident reconstructionists. Proof of distracted driving by getting the at-fault person’s phone records can be critical.

Evidence of Damages

In order to have a viable case, the plaintiff must be able to show that they have suffered physical injury and damages. Information that can serve as evidence of damages includes medical bills and records, reports from an employer regarding lost wages, testimony regarding pain and suffering, and expert testimony from doctors and financial experts. Knowing what proof will be required by the insurance company is important.

Reach Out to a Local Virginia Beach Bicycle Accident Attorney

If you are injured in a bicycle accident, do not be afraid of asserting your rights. Consult with a Virginia Beach bicycle accident lawyer as soon as possible after your accident to discuss all the details of your case. You may be entitled to significant compensation, and a local attorney can help you navigate the court system. By having a Virginia Beach bicycle accident lawyer on your side, you can increase your chance of resolving your claim favorably and getting the compensation you need. Call Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers today for a free consultation to discuss your rights to compensation.

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