Drunk Driver Rear-Ended Chesapeake Woman – Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers Secures $700,000


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Drunk drivers are a menace on the roads of Hampton Roads and elsewhere. They cause numerous wrecks, injuries, and deaths. Recently, Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers secured a $700,000 settlement against a drunk driver who rear-ended a car driven by a Chesapeake woman.

Our client is a single mother. The accident occurred mid-afternoon when the Chesapeake woman’s young daughter was traveling in the back seat of her car. She was hit from behind and injured by an intoxicated driver.

The driver met some friends after work for several drinks at a bar. Against the advice of his wife, he decided to drive home under the influence of alcohol. He crashed into our client.

After the wreck, police arrested the defendant for drunk driving. He admitted to DUI during a criminal hearing.

Our client requested an interview with attorney John Cooper of Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers. She told him the crash had a traumatic effect on her and her daughter.

The force of the collision left the woman with concussion and a significant whiplash injury. Although she sought medical care for her injuries from the outset, the concussion-related symptoms lingered.

Our client continued to suffer from several issues with her memory and concentration which harmed her productivity at work and the overall quality of her life. She maintained a positive attitude and battled the pain and discomfort every day so as she could support her daughter.

Many people who sustain serious injuries in car wrecks get on with their lives and suffer in silence. They show real courage in battling their injuries. This was the case with our client.

Although the drunk driver was clearly at fault for the wreck, and our client suffered obvious medical issues from his actions, the insurance company did not initially make an offer to settle the Chesapeake woman’s claim.

John Cooper quickly filed a lawsuit to hold the defendant and his insurance company responsible. Even after filing the lawsuit, the insurance company and its lawyer continued its fight against our client. Motivated by our client’s positive attitude, John Cooper refused to take “no” for an answer. His persistence and hard-work meant he was able to negotiate a $700,000.00 settlement without our client having to appear in court. Our client now has the financial resources to cover any future medical treatment that may arise and will be able to continue to provide for her daughter. She also has piece of mind.

Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers was happy to make a real difference in this woman’s life. It’s regrettable that people still take the risk of driving drunk and ruin their lives and the lives of other people. Alcohol is a factor in about a third of all fatal crashes in Virginia. Many more people end up with serious injuries because of drunk or drugged drivers.

If you or a family member has been hurt by a drunk driver in Virginia or Northeastern North Carolina, please call our car accident injury team as soon as possible at (757) 231-6443.

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