Cooper Hurley Client Awarded $350,000 After Being Rear-ended by Dump Truck in VA Beach


Attorneys on Case

Dump trucks are some of the most dangerous vehicles on the road. They are heavy and bulky and have numerous blind spots.

If you are unfortunate enough to be rear-ended by a dump truck you are likely to suffer serious injuries.

This was what happened to Cooper Hurley’s client from Norfolk who was hit and injured in a crash involving a dump truck in Virginia Beach. All cases are unique and a previous case is no indication of a future one, but our client was awarded $350,000 in this instance.

The case was featured in Virginia Lawyers Weekly which noted this young man was treated for head and neck pain after the wreck at a local hospital. Concussion was not diagnosed at the time.

Later on in the week of the accident, the man returned to the emergency room, complaining about continuous headaches. ACT scan was negative and the second emergency room reported that he had not suffered a loss of consciousness nor a direct blow to the head.

However, our client was diagnosed with post-concussion syndrome and a cervical strain. He continued to suffer from ongoing headaches, had trouble focusing on tasks and suffered photosensitivity.

Notwithstanding his issues, he was able to return to his old job and received strong performance reviews.

Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers’ attorneys John Cooper and Jim Hurley filed a case in Norfolk Circuit Court. Lawyers for the trucking company disputed the mild traumatic brain injury diagnosis. They argued that “simple” concussions heal quickly and the plaintiff’s symptoms were minor.

A settlement was reached at a mediation hearing about two months before the trial. The injured driver was awarded $350,000.

The case illustrates some of the dangers of heavy vehicles on the highways of Hampton Roads. Dump trucks often travel smaller, suburban highways as well as interstates and they can be a menace at intersections. If you end up involved in a crash with a dump truck, you are more likely to sustain injuries such as head and spinal injuries.

Our Virginia and North Carolina injury lawyers have helped many people who suffered serious injuries in trucking wrecks. Please call us at (757) 333-3333 today for a free consultation if you have been hurt due to the fault of a trucker.

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