In the past few years, attorney John Cooper has recovered over $28 MILLION for brain injury victims.
John wrote the book on traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) to give victims and their families valuable insight on how these complex cases are proved and won.
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The Traumatic Brain Injury Toolkit

In The Traumatic Brain Injury Toolkit

A traumatic brain injury may result in devastating consequences for you and your family members. Not only are the physical effects of such an injury, like chronic headaches, significant, but the financial burdens can be incredibly high. Medical bills may stack up quickly and the loss of income may affect you and the entire family. It is important to know that your brain injury may be compensable in a personal injury lawsuit if caused by the fault of another.

Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers provides a book we wrote, The Traumatic Brain Injury Toolkit, to inform you about your rights to compensation after an injury. Let us help you through a free consultation about your case.


What is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs when someone suffers significant harm to the head and brain that disrupts its normal function. These injuries are typically caused by a blow or jolt to the head, such as through a car accident or slip and fall. Some injuries can even penetrate the skull and cause extreme damage.

TBIs can lead to long-term disabilities and limitations that can change a person’s life forever. A wide range of harms and losses may await those who suffer this type of head trauma.

John has packaged 30+ years of insight into The Traumatic Brain Injury Toolkit and free access to this life-changing information is one click away.

Is a Concussion a Traumatic Brain Injury?

A concussion is a form of traumatic brain injury. Often referred to as a “mild TBI,” concussions are common in sports and car accidents. Most closed head injuries are not life-threatening but still carry the potential for significant neurocognitive symptoms, like memory and concentration difficulties, which are sometimes long-lasting.

Concussions can occur when the head sustains a blow or jolt that causes the brain to move rapidly back and forth, often striking the inside of the skull. It can damage brain cells and lead to debilitating physical and psychological symptoms.

Harmful Effects of a Traumatic Brain Injury

Depending on the severity of a traumatic brain injury, someone may suffer various associated symptoms, from coma to headache. Many are similar throughout the range of mild to severe injuries. The nature of the injury and its effects may differ depending on the individual situation. Common symptoms of TBI include:

  • Headaches and migraines
  • Loss of consciousness / amnesia / disorientation
  • Dizziness and nausea
  • Problems with eyesight or sensitivity to light
  • Difficulty with memory or concentration
  • Anxiety, depression, or mood swings
  • Difficulty finding words
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of cognitive function
  • Sleep disturbance

A head injury’s accompanying symptoms are often dictated by the severity of the blow to the head, treatment, and the individual’s unique situation. If you suffered your TBI as the result of carelessness by another person, financial compensation may be available in a personal injury case.

Graphic for Signs You May Have Sustained a TBI

Compensation in Traumatic Brain Injury Lawsuits

TBIs can lead to terrible loss of quality of life and high medical costs for the injured person, which may be compensable through a successful lawsuit. Compensation for economic damages may include:

The types of economic damages that may be available may depend on the facts of the accident case. A discussion with a skilled attorney may increase the likelihood of receiving fair compensation that covers your monetary losses as well as the harm to your health and happiness.

Attorney John Cooper, author of The Traumatic Brain Injury Toolkit, has won many millions for such traumatic brain injury victims, including:

$6.5 Million

Recovered for a car accident victim involved in a three-car collision who became quadriplegic.

$5.8 Million

Recovered for a client who suffered a traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder following his accident.

$5 Million

Recovered for a client who was hit by a construction truck and suffered serious injuries and post-traumatic stress disorder with a mild traumatic brain injury.

Filing Within the Deadline

Under Virginia Code § 8.01-243, most traumatic brain injury lawsuits must be filed within two years of the date the injury was caused. If the plaintiff does not file suit in court within the appropriate statutory deadline, the case could be dismissed and your rights forever lost.

To avoid this potential issue, a plaintiff should reach out to an experienced Virginia TBI attorney as soon as possible. However, you should not wait to call the right Hampton Roads brain injury lawyer. The brain injury attorneys at Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers can help you better if we get started as soon as possible.

Learn More About The Traumatic Brain Injury Toolkit

The Traumatic Brain Injury Toolkit is meant to help get you started on understanding your rights to potential compensation. A meeting with a dedicated TBI attorney at Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers can help you better understand your particular rights as they relate to your specific situation.

Let an experienced Virginia traumatic brain injury lawyer work for your interests. Contact us today.