Inside a Motorcycle Accident Case: Proving Fault
Video Transcript
I’ve handled many motorcycle accident cases during my career. There are several that stand out to me. The types of cases you never forget because they just had so many wrinkles to them. I can think of one in particular where the insurance company was arguing that the at-fault driver’s insurance didn’t apply at all. So I had to fight the insurance company on that front, and the at-fault driver was trying to blame my client, who was on a motorcycle.
There is a prejudice in some ways that some people have toward motorcyclists, that they’re thrill seekers or they’re engaging in an unreasonably dangerous activity, so we, we have to combat that too. Thankfully, in that case, we did a prompt thorough investigation. We found a vehicle that had in it two independent eyewitnesses that saw the whole thing. So even though the other driver was claiming that my client was speeding, was driving recklessly through a construction zone, these witnesses who were independent, who didn’t know any of the drivers involved, didn’t know my client, we were able to find them. They were cooperative, they testified, and they helped us prove that the accident was entirely the other driver’s fault. And then we were eventually able to prove to them too, and argue that the insurance in place did apply, and we were able to collect all the insurance money on that case. For that, again, very deserving client who had very, very catastrophic injuries and lost his career in the process. [jingle] No need to worry, call Cooper Hurley. The Car Crash Experts. 333-3333.