How to Collect Lost Wages After an Accident

Video Transcript

After a car accident, if you miss time from your place of employment or you were prevented from earning money as a part of your business or your work, you can make a claim for lost wages. You have to document that claim. Oftentimes, it’s beneficial if you have a doctor’s note expressly saying that you were unable to work during a specific window of time, and then some type of documentation or questionnaire completed by your employer showing how much money you make per hour, or what your salary is, how many days you were out of work, and how much money you have made.

Now, there’s sometimes confusion about whether or not you can make a wage loss claim if you were actually paid because you accrued sick leave. The answer to that is you still make the wage loss claim because you no longer have those sick days. So it’s okay to make a wage loss claim even if you were fortunate enough to still get paid because of some employment benefit. [jingle] No need to worry, call Cooper Hurley. The Car Crash Experts. 333-3333.