Do I Have to Wear a Motorcycle Helmet in Virginia?

Video Transcript

Virginia does have a motorcycle helmet law and an eye protection law. It’s a class four misdemeanor in Virginia to ride a motorcycle, under most circumstances, without a properly rated helmet. You should do it; one, to comply with the law, and two, just for your own safety and protection. You don’t have control over, no matter how safe you are as a motorcyclist. The one thing you should know about the motorcycle law in Virginia with helmets is in a personal injury case. An insurance company cannot use the fact you are not wearing a helmet against you in your case. So even though you may have technically violated a law by not wearing a helmet, that will not ruin your personal injury case, you can still pursue a personal injury claim. [jingle] No need to worry, call Cooper Hurley. The Car Crash Experts. 333-3333.

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