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Changes in Virginia’s Car Insurance Laws

Video Transcript

Virginia recently changed its insurance law as to automobile insurance in a way that’s so much better for consumers and much more fair. Virginia historically had been a laggard. So there’s several areas we changed. One was we increased our minimum policy limits from 25,000 up to $50,000. So that means even in the minimum limit situation, there’s gonna be at least $50,000 of coverage.

The other thing that we changed is we allowed different stacking. It used to be that you bought your uninsured motorist coverage as part of your regular policy, which you didn’t really get to use it because they got an offset for whatever. The liability insurance coverage was a little bit complicated, but the gist of it is you now get the benefit of the insurance that you paid for, that you didn’t used to get.

And the third big change is adding bad faith. So when your own insurance company is treating you unfairly, you have a way to say to them, no, no, you can’t do that. Or if you do that, you’re risking paying out More. Attorneys need to be aware of these changes and not necessarily all of them who aren’t in the trenches every day doing this work will necessarily know how all that might affect your case. So call somebody who’s really up on these new laws if you have a car accident case. [jingle] No need to worry, call Cooper Hurley. The Car Crash Experts. 333-3333.

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John Cooper of Cooper Hurley