How Does Property Damage Coverage Work in Virginia?

The most frustrating thing about a motor vehicle accident is trying to deal with the insurance company about the property damage to your vehicle. However, understanding how property damage coverage works in Virginia can be difficult. This is where a well-versed car accident attorney from Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers can help.

What to Do After a Crash in Virginia Beach

Immediately after the accident, you should call your insurance company to report the accident. Also, call the defendant’s insurance company to report the property damage to your vehicle. If fault is clear, the defendant’s insurance company should accept responsibility and agree to fix your vehicle or give you a check if it is a total loss.

You can take your vehicle to a repair shop you choose. While your car is getting fixed, the defendant’s insurance company should give you a comparable rental vehicle. If your car is totaled, you get the rental until they give you a check. Unfortunately, many times the defendant’s insurance company will not agree to fix your vehicle immediately because the defendant’s insurance company states that it is investigating who is responsible for the accident.

Rather tha n waiting for days or even weeks, you can go ahead and ask to fix your vehicle through your own insurance company. This is often the easy solution if the at-fault insurer is dragging its feet, and if you have the right coverage on your policy to allow this. You may have to pay the deductible. At some point down the road, you may be able to get your deductible back from the defendant’s insurance company after they determine the accident was the fault of the other person. If you do not have the necessary comprehensive coverage, then you could have a real problem because your insurer will not pay to fix the car. If you lack rental coverage, you will have no rental car while your car is getting fixed.

What Happens to a Damaged Car?

The at-fault driver’s insurance company only has to repair your vehicle according to the previous condition of your vehicle. The culpable driver’s insurance company often authorizes used parts for your repairs as well as fixing only the damaged parts. Although your vehicle will be fixed, it may not be to your complete satisfaction. You can also ask the insurer for money for the decreased value of the car as now wrecked and fixed.

The at-fault driver’s insurance company can also declare your car a total loss and simply give you the fair market value, which is often less than what you owe on the vehicle, so that you have no vehicle and no money after an accident. If you think that you can have the vehicle fixed, then you have the option of buying the damaged vehicle as scrap from the insurance company for a minimum amount of money.

A Virginia Beach Attorney Can Explain Property Damage Coverage

Property damage often causes many problems, but the most important thing is to stay on top of the situation to either get your vehicle fixed or get as much money for your vehicle as you can. If Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers is representing you on a personal injury claim, we will also guide you through the property damage claims process.

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