Dealing with Nationwide After an Accident

Nationwide is among the top 10 largest auto insurance companies in the nation, with billions of dollars in assets. If you are hurt in an auto accident, it is highly possible that you could end up having to deal with Nationwide. But, before you reach out to the insurance company, you should contact a dedicated injury lawyer.

Nationwide insurance will try to take advantage of you and avoid paying out a full claim. A lawyer could help you navigate the legal process and seek maximum compensation for your medical expenses, pain, suffering, and time missed from work.

What You Need to Know About Dealing with Nationwide

Regardless of how empathetic or understanding an insurance adjuster may appear to be, it is vital to bear in mind that insurance companies only turn a profit in one way — by earning more in premiums than they pay out in claims.

Therefore, when dealing with Nationwide after a crash, it is crucial to work with an attorney and have him communicate with the company. A lawyer can also help you thoroughly document your injuries and losses to include in your demand for settlement against Nationwide insurance. An attorney can then submit a claim on your behalf.

What Happens After Your Lawyer Files a Claim

Upon receiving the injury victim’s claim, Nationwide insurance will respond with a reservation of rights letter. The reservation of rights letter affirms that the insurer will investigate your claim, but does not accept liability.

After a claim is filed, it is possible that two separate adjusters would be assigned to your case — one to handle the property damage portion and the other to manage the personal injury claim. An attorney can guide you through each step of the process to avoid any missteps that could jeopardize your claim.

Pursuing a Fair Settlement From Nationwide Insurance Claims

Once you finish treatment, your lawyer can submit a settlement demand letter to Nationwide listing the facts of the crash, your injuries, and the compensation you are requesting (i.e. lost income, medical costs, etc.). The settlement demand letter should list the full amount you are seeking to be compensated for.

The next part of the process after receiving your demand occurs when Nationwide responds. They may respond with a counteroffer that is far lower than what your lawyer requested. It is not unusual for adjusters to look for ways to reduce the amount they payout in claims. This does not mean you have to or should accept an unfair offer. The negotiation process could continue with multiple offers and counteroffers for some time.

There may be occasions when it is not possible to reach a settlement with Nationwide out of court. When that is the case, your lawyer may have to file a lawsuit on your behalf. An experienced lawyer who deals with Nationwide regularly can advocate on your behalf and advise you so that you receive the best settlement possible.

Get Help Dealing with the Nationwide Insurance Claims Process After a Crash

You need help dealing with Nationwide after an accident. Before talking to an insurance company, you should reach out to a personal injury attorney. Trust in the Car Crash Experts at Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers to help you navigate dealing with insurance companies. Our team of top-rated attorneys collectively boasts an impressive 128 years of legal experience, during which we’ve learned common tactics employed by insurance companies and how to best negotiate with them. Our attorneys have had an exceptional winning streak that has secured tens of millions of dollars for our clients, including Virginia’s largest reported car accident recovery of $6.5 million in 2020.

With a dedication to client satisfaction, Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers sets the standard for exceptional customer service and unwavering commitment to representing the injured, never the insurance companies. Contact us today, and we’ll help you get the compensation you deserve.

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