Can You Sue if You’re Injured as a Pedestrian in a Parking Lot?

Video Transcript

If you’re injured as a pedestrian in a parking lot, or anywhere, frankly, by a motor vehicle, you can have a personal injury claim. In many instances, the pedestrian had the right of way. There are also scenarios where, especially in a parking lot context, where the driver will argue the pedestrian walked in front of the driver or try to partially blame that other, the pedestrian, which would be a bar to any recovery– if you share any fault and you’re causing your injuries, in Virginia, unfortunately, you can’t get anything. So it’s important to do, again, a prompt investigation.

Oftentimes, you’re in a parking lot, you’re near a business, and oftentimes these businesses have cameras, uh, pointed at the parking lot. We even, in cases in the past been able to get our hands on that video footage, which helped us prove what happened and prove the pedestrian did nothing wrong.

These pedestrian cases are oftentimes some of the most serious accidents. When you’re in a vehicle that’s hit by another vehicle, sometimes you get lucky and you aren’t hurt because you’re protected by the vehicle you are in. With a pedestrian, though, you don’t have that added protection. If you get hit by a car, even at a low speed as a pedestrian, oftentimes you suffer catastrophic injuries. [jingle] No need to worry, call Cooper Hurley. The Car Crash Experts. 333-3333.